chimera digital montage is the next assignment that I have to do and it has to be construed out of the materials that were in my school bag on that day and time this is a list of them materials.
- Box of paper clips
- Black hard back book
- Packet of curling pencils
- Red pen
- Blue in haler
- Bottle of sprite
- Sell pone
- Purple in haler
- Ruler
- Blue u s b
- Keys
- Bobine
- With u s b
- Red hard back book
- A4 paper
- Triagula ruler
- Scarf
- A4 courlerd page book
Afther making the list of what was in my bag I then whent on to the internet to find out what was intendid to be made out of these materiais and this is the resarch I found these are some chimeras that I found ther made out of veigtabuls and urder esay found materiais they were done by arcimboldo.
These next chimeras were designed out of panted hands I relay like this meted of a chimera because its easy and it relay looks good pulse it makes a 3d imagery u can find these pitcher on this web site.
new I have looked at hands I then went on to look at chimera houses and these are the images that I found and there web sites that i found them on are under every image.
This is a house made out of chokleth looks so yummy.
This is a house made out of card Bord I looked at this because its a chimera because its made out of card Bord and not brinks and Samantha.
I am thinking about using this meted of biding my chimera out of loge it looks to be very good materials to work whit and construed.
lolly pop sticks are a good sores of material to work with this is why i have put it in my research.
This isa house made out of just plastic bottles this is a good way of using all of ur unwonted bottles and its good for the environment to.
New I have looked on the inter net I have gone to the libber were I then found these chimeras made out of just paper I found them in this book called paper craft design and art with paper
So after looking true all of me research i have decided to do something whit paper because i had paper in my bag on the day
I'm truing origami sown
like this one here.
By foiling these instructions.
This is the web site I got all of this information from on how to make it.
what could the swan be used for well it could be for a move or a book
or a nice sent her piece for your home
these are some of my resarch for what my sawn could be used for
This is one of my designs that I have dunne whith the Chimera swan.
I have decided to go whit paper because i wonted to show if u recycle it can be cool and fun pulse your going to be saving the animals and our planet.
this is my swan made up of lodes of smaller origami swans.
nw that th furst chimera is narlly dunne im going to push on with the second one which is that i have to design a new heard book cover for a righter called oliver sck who wrought a book called musicophilla its about music moving us try lods of emotions some bead and some good when
nuting else can.
This is some of my research for the book cover that I have gotten out of my library I got them to see how you can put text as a graphic alamenth.
I got these images from a book called creative typography.
Ii also looked at a book called digital illustration a master class in creative image-making
in this book I found a lot of shillewet images and that's what im trying to do whit this book cover. I then wentonto the internet and found some of his prifes works
This is one of my test designs still needs lods of work dun to it but could work
this next one im going to scan in sheet music as the back ground
this is my sheet music i draw for this
test one
finsished pece
this is a tow of many book tests i have dunne